Girls'Day and Boys'Day 2024 at halm

Empowering tomorrow’s talents: A Recap of Girls’Day and Boys’Day at halm

At halm, we're dedicated to nurturing the growth of future talents in the dynamic field of solar technology. That's why we were thrilled to participate in this year's Girls Day and Boys Day on April 25th!

Girls’Day provided girls with a unique chance to explore careers in the solar industry, where female representation historically lags behind. Similarly, Boys’Day offered boys an insight into professions less commonly pursued by males. Our aim? To inspire passion and dismantle gender stereotypes within the solar field.

During the event, participants didn't just observe; they immersed themselves in halm's world. Engaging in activities like building solar lamps, using laser technology to personalize tools, and experiencing our technology firsthand, they gained a deeper understanding of the diverse spectrum of jobs available within our company.

We're deeply appreciative of the enthusiasm shown by all participants. Our heartfelt thanks extend to the colleagues whose dedication made this event possible. Together, we're not only shaping a brighter future for solar technology but also fostering a culture of inclusivity and exploration.