Girls'Day 2023 at halm

Every year technical enterprises are invited to organize an open day for girls – the Girls'Day. So do we!

The Girls'Day offers young women the opportunity to explore new professional fields. Occupational fields that many girls may not even consider in the course of their career orientation. Above all, this means occupations in the technical, but also in the natural sciences field. It is precisely in these areas that the commitment of young women is increasingly in demand.

This is also a task for halm. We would like to bring girls closer to the diverse technical professions in the field of regenerative energy.

This year, we were delighted to welcome five dedicated participants at our premises in Frankfurt. The girls had an insight in the company structure itself with tours to numerous departments as well as in detailed technical jobs. Putting their new insights to the test, the girls were asked to assemble their own solar lamp.  All of them managed the task perfectly.